Mathematical formula
From mispar
Addition of Roots

no such category found: #R+R

no such category found: #R+R

no such category found: #R+R

no such category found: #R+R

no such category found: #(N+R)+(N+R)

no such category found: #(N+R)+(R-N)

no such category found: #(N+R)+(R-N)

no such category found: #(N-R)+(R-N)

no such category found: #R+R+R+R
Subtraction of Roots

no such category found: #R-R

no such category found: #R-R

no such category found: #R-R

no such category found: #N-(N-R)

no such category found: #N-(N-R)

no such category found: #N-(N+R)

no such category found: #(N-R)-(N-R)
Multiplication of Roots

no such category found: #R×R

no such category found: #R×R

no such category found: #R×N

no such category found: #R×N

no such category found: #R×(R+N)

no such category found: #R×(N-R)

no such category found: #(N+R)×(N+R)

no such category found: #(N+R)×(N+R)

no such category found: #(N+R)×(N+R)

no such category found: #(N-R)×(N-R)

no such category found: #(N-R)×(N-R)

no such category found: #(N+R)×(N-R)

no such category found: #(N+R)×(N-R)

no such category found: #R×(R-N)

no such category found: #(R-N)×(R-N)

no such category found: #(R-N)×(R-N)

no such category found: #(R-N)×(R+N)

no such category found: #(R+N)×(R-N)

no such category found: #R×(R+R)

no such category found: #R×(R-R)

no such category found: #(R+R)×(R+R)

no such category found: #(R+R)×(R+R)

no such category found: #(R+R)×(R-R)

no such category found: #(R+R)×(R-R)

no such category found: #(R+R)×(R-R)

no such category found: #(R-R)×(R-R)

no such category found: #(R-R)×(R-R)

no such category found: #N×R
no such category found: #N×R₃
no such category found: #R×R₃
no such category found: #R₃×R₄
Division of Roots

no such category found: #R÷R

no such category found: #R÷R

no such category found: #N÷R

no such category found: #N÷R

no such category found: #N÷(N+R)

no such category found: #N÷(N+R)

no such category found: #(N+R)÷N

no such category found: #N÷(N-R)

no such category found: #(N+R)÷(N+R)

no such category found: #N÷(R+R+R)

no such category found: #N÷(R+R+R+R)
Linear Equation
![\scriptstyle bx=\sqrt[3]{c}](/mediawiki/images/math/4/e/c/4eced3ba1c8f51bf47cf911659b6e201.png)
Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/linear equation | bx=³√c | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#NHZd | When things are equal to a cube root of the numbers:
:![]() |
![\scriptstyle c=\sqrt[3]{bx}](/mediawiki/images/math/5/b/4/5b40a2184fb3c6324ff5fe2eedb9da0b.png)
Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/linear equation | c=³√bx | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#jGFm | When numbers are equal to a cube root of a thing:
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Quadratic Equation
squares equal roots

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
simple canonical equation/squares equal roots | ax²=bx | חשבון_השטחים#bTgP | אלגוש ישוו שרשים |
simple canonical equation/squares equal roots | ax²=bx | תחבולות_המספר#Udbo | שרשים שיהיו שוי' למרובעים |
simple canonical equation/squares equal roots | ax²=bx | ספר_האלזיברא#XXXO | המרבעים שוים לדברים |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
simple canonical equation/squares equal roots | x²=5x | תחבולות_המספר#EqMy | For example: if you are told; five roots are equal to one square. How much is the square?
:![]() |
simple canonical equation/squares equal roots | x²=5x | חשבון_השטחים#cbxX | The squares that are equal to roots is as if you say: a square equals five roots.
:![]() |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
simple canonical equation/squares equal roots | ½x²=10x | תחבולות_המספר#fayj | Also, if he says: half a square is equal to ten roots.
:![]() |
simple canonical equation/squares equal roots | ½x²=10x | חשבון_השטחים#N1ie | Likewise, if it is said: half a square equals ten roots.
:![]() |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
simple canonical equation/squares equal roots | 5x²=20x | תחבולות_המספר#WDhU | Example: if one asks: five squares are equal to twenty roots.
:![]() |
simple canonical equation/squares equal roots | 5x²=20x | חשבון_השטחים#sJUh | As if you say: five squares equal twenty roots.
:![]() |
squares equal numbers

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
simple canonical equation/squares equal numbers | ax²=c | ספר_האלזיברא#jx5h | המרבעים צינסי שוים לאחדים |
simple canonical equation/squares equal numbers | ax²=c | חשבון_השטחים#kCXF | ואלאגוש ישוו מספרים |
simple canonical equation/squares equal numbers | ax²=c | תחבולות_המספר#4O9C | ומרובעי' שישוו למספרים |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
simple canonical equation/squares equal numbers | x²=16 | חשבון_השטחים#lI7w | The squares that are equal to numbers is as a square that equals sixteen.
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simple canonical equation/squares equal numbers | x²=16 | תחבולות_המספר#fCC4 | As if you are told: the square is equal to sixteen.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
simple canonical equation/squares equal numbers | 5x²=45 | תחבולות_המספר#C4DX | If one says: five squares are equal to forty-five.
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simple canonical equation/squares equal numbers | 5x²=45 | חשבון_השטחים#yMV8 | Likewise, when five squares are equal to forty-five.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
simple canonical equation/squares equal numbers | ⅓x²=27 | חשבון_השטחים#sOLH | Also if you say: a third of the square is equal to twenty-seven.
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simple canonical equation/squares equal numbers | ⅓x²=27 | תחבולות_המספר#Usmi | If one says: a third of the square is equal to twenty-seven.
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roots equal numbers

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
simple canonical equation/roots equal numbers | bx=c | חשבון_השטחים#1nZH | ושרשים ישוו מספרים |
simple canonical equation/roots equal numbers | bx=c | תחבולות_המספר#qsBh | ושרשים שישוו למספרים |
simple canonical equation/roots equal numbers | bx=c | ספר_האלזיברא#uues | הדברים שוים לאחדים |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
compound canonical equation/squares and roots equal numbers | ax²+bx=c | תחבולות_המספר#3sJZ | ושרשים ומרובעי' שישוו למספרים |
compound canonical equation/squares and roots equal numbers | ax²+bx=c | חשבון_השטחים#XqGp | מרובעי' ושרשי' ישוו למספרים |
compound canonical equation/squares and roots equal numbers | ax²+bx=c | ספר_האלזיברא#vJ0S | המרבעים והדברי' שוים לאחדים |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
compound canonical equation/squares and roots equal numbers | x²+10x=39 | תחבולות_המספר#oMPa | He said: when squares and roots are equal to numbers, it is as if you say: the sum of one square and ten of its roots together is equal to thirty-nine dirham.
:![]() |
compound canonical equation/squares and roots equal numbers | x²+10x=39 | ספר_המספר_/_אליהו_מזרחי#efjm | Question: if one asks: what is the square whose sum with ten times its root, for instance, yields thirty-nine.
:![]() |
compound canonical equation/squares and roots equal numbers | x²+10x=39 | חשבון_השטחים#BnUp | Squares and roots are equal to numbers, it is as if you say: a square and ten roots are equal to thirty-nine dirham.
:![]() |
compound canonical equation/squares and roots equal numbers | x²+10x=39 | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#jJWT | ![]() |
compound canonical equation/squares and roots equal numbers | x²+10x=39 | ספר_המספר_/_אליהו_מזרחי#5Cr3 | The example in the mentioned question: one square plus ten times its root are thirty-nine.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
compound canonical equation/squares and roots equal numbers | 2x²+10x=48 | חשבון_השטחים#cSpR | ![]() |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
compound canonical equation/squares and numbers equal roots | ax²+c=bx | חשבון_השטחים#iECf | ומרובעים ומספרי' ישוו לשרשים |
compound canonical equation/squares and numbers equal roots | ax²+c=bx | ספר_האלזיברא#oeK8 | המרובעים והאחדים שוים לדברים |
compound canonical equation/squares and numbers equal roots | ax²+c=bx | תחבולות_המספר#om8w | ומרובעי' ומספרי' שישוו לשרשים |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
compound canonical equation/squares and numbers equal roots | x²+21=10x | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#RpEs | You get one square and 21 numbers equal 10 things.
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compound canonical equation/squares and numbers equal roots | x²+21=10x | תחבולות_המספר#u4EA | He said: squares and numbers that are equal to roots is as if you say: when you sum twenty-one dirham with a certain square, they are equal to ten roots of the square.
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compound canonical equation/squares and numbers equal roots | x²+21=10x | ספר_המספר_/_אליהו_מזרחי#hfpC | Question: if one asks: what is the square whose sum with twenty-one, for instance, yields the same as ten times its root.
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compound canonical equation/squares and numbers equal roots | x²+21=10x | חשבון_השטחים#yRRf | ![]() |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
compound canonical equation/squares and numbers equal roots | x²+25=10x | תחבולות_המספר#QWm3 | Example: one says: a square plus twenty-five [dirham] are equal to ten roots of the square.
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compound canonical equation/squares and numbers equal roots | x²+25=10x | חשבון_השטחים#5rN4 | ![]() |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
compound canonical equation/roots and numbers equal squares | bx+c=ax² | תחבולות_המספר#So10 | ושרשי' ומספרים שישוו למרובעים |
compound canonical equation/roots and numbers equal squares | bx+c=ax² | ספר_האלזיברא#zm1d | הדברים והאחדים שוים למרובעים |
compound canonical equation/roots and numbers equal squares | bx+c=ax² | חשבון_השטחים#VBed | ושרשים ומספרי' ישוו למרובעים |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
compound canonical equation/roots and numbers equal squares | 3x+4=x² | חשבון_השטחים#qrpb | ![]() |
compound canonical equation/roots and numbers equal squares | 3x+4=x² | תחבולות_המספר#VKnl | He said: roots and numbers that are equal to a square is as saying three roots and four dirham are equal to a square.
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compound canonical equation/roots and numbers equal squares | 3x+4=x² | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#GUT6 | For example, suppose that 3 things and 4 numbers are equal to 1 square.
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compound canonical equation/roots and numbers equal squares | 3x+4=x² | ספר_המספר_/_אליהו_מזרחי#7D6K | Question: if one asks: what is the square such that 3 times its root plus 4 equals 10.
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Compound Quadratic Equations
![\scriptstyle ax^2=\sqrt[3]{c}](/mediawiki/images/math/f/c/0/fc0033e1c190540235d4afbc47b31b11.png)
Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | ax²=³√c | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#rGD5 | When squares are equal to a cube root of the numbers:
:![]() |
![\scriptstyle c=\sqrt[3]{ax^2}](/mediawiki/images/math/f/7/6/f7617468fb35452327a7d2d5678e45f0.png)
Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | c=³√ax² | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#zK2y | When numbers are equal to a cube root of squares:
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | [x²-(⅓x²+2)]²=x²+24 | חשבון_השטחים#lT08 | [12] If you are told: a square, you subtract its third and two dirham from it, then multiply what remains by itself and the result is the square plus 24 dirham.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | 3√x²+4√(x²-3√x²)=20 | חשבון_השטחים#tZ8i | [13] If you are told: three roots of the square plus four roots of what remains from the square are twenty dirham.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | (x²-⅓x²)·3√x²=x² | חשבון_השטחים#ak8r | [14] If you are told: we subtract from a square its third, then multiply what remains by three roots of the original square and the result is the original square.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | (x²-⅓x²)·3√(x²-⅓x²)=x² | חשבון_השטחים#lFM5 | [15] If you are told: a square, we subtract its third from it, then multiply what remains by three roots of what remains from the square and the result is the square.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | 3√x²+2√(x²-3√x²)=x² | חשבון_השטחים#rq9x | [16] If you are told: a square, its three roots and two roots of what remains are equal to the square.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | 3√x²+4√(x²-3√x²)=x²+4 | חשבון_השטחים#SNBo | [17] If you are told: a square, its three roots and four roots of what remains from the square are the same as the square plus four dirham.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | x²·(x²+√10)=9x² | חשבון_השטחים#XpMD | [32] If you are told: a square, multiply it by itself plus a root of ten dirham and it becomes nine times the square.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | [√(8x²)·√(3x²)]+20=(x²)² | חשבון_השטחים#HcHI | [33] If you are told: a square, multiply a root of eight times the square by a root of three times the square, then add twenty dirham to the result and it is the same as [the product of] the square by itself.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | [√(6x²)·√(5x²)]+10x²+20=(x²)² | חשבון_השטחים#stdc | [34] If you are told: a square, multiply a root of its six times by a root of its five times, then add ten times the square plus twenty dirham to the product and it is the same as [the product of] the square by itself.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | (x²+10)·√5=(x²)² | חשבון_השטחים#hePu | [38] If you are told: a square, you add to it ten dirham, then multiply the sum by a root of five and the result is the same as the product of the square by itself.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | [x²-(2√x²+10)]²=8x² | חשבון_השטחים#aPQX | If you are told: a square, subtract its two roots and ten dirham from it, then multiply what remains by itself; it becomes eight times the square.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | 2√(x²)+√(½x²)+√(⅓x²)=x² | חשבון_השטחים#nPTX | If you are told: a square whose two roots plus a root of half the square and a root of its third are equal to the square - how much is the square?
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | 2√(x²)+√(½x²)+√(⅓x²)=20 | חשבון_השטחים#wOZV | If one says: a square whose two roots plus a root of its half and a root of its third are twenty dirham - how much is the square?
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | x²+4√(x²)+√(½x²)+√(⅓x²)=10 | חשבון_השטחים#b04G | If you are told: a square, add to it its four roots plus a root of its half and a root of its third; it is ten dirham - how much is the square?
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | [x²+√(x²)+√(½x²)]²=5x² | חשבון_השטחים#omoo | If you are told: a square, add to it its root and a root of its half, then multiply the result by itself; it is five times the square.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | [x²+√(x²)+√(½x²)]²=20 | חשבון_השטחים#OX0E | ![]() |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | [x²+√(½x²)]²=4x² | חשבון_השטחים#Fvgh | If you are told: a square, you add to it a root of its half, then multiply the result by itself; it becomes four times the square.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | (x²+7)·√(3x²)=10x² | חשבון_השטחים#dAZJ | If you are told: a square, add to it seven dirham, then multiply the sum by a root of three times the square; it becomes ten times the square.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | [x²+√(3x²)]·√(2x²)=4x² | חשבון_השטחים#lk6C | If you are told: a square, add to it a root of three times of it, then multiply the sum by a root of [twice] the square; it becomes four times the square.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | [√(½x²)+3]·[√(⅓x²)+2]=20 | חשבון_השטחים#Y7kO | If you are told: a square, add three dirham to a root of its half, and two dirham to a root of its third, then multiply one [sum] by the other; it is twenty dirham.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | (√10·x²)/(2√3)=x²-10 | חשבון_השטחים#8OnP | If you are told: a square, multiply it by the root of ten, then divide the product by two plus the root of three; the quotient is the same as the square minus ten.
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | √x²+√(√x²)+√(2√x²)+5√x²=10 | חשבון_השטחים#rWIe | If you are told: a square whose root and the root of its root, plus the root of its two roots, plus the root of five times the square are ten dirham.
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quadratic equation in two variables

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | b²=3a², (a²+√a²)·(b²+√b²)=10b² | חשבון_השטחים#nHFm | If you are told: two squares - one is three times the other; you add to each of them its root, then multiply the one by the other; it is ten times the greater square.
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quadratic equation in three variables

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/quadratic equation | a²+b²=c², ac=b², ab=10 | חשבון_השטחים#gGKe | If you are told: three unequal squares, if you multiply the smaller by itself and the mean by itself; they are as the greater by itself. If you multiply the smaller by the greater it is as the mean by itself. If you multiply the smaller by the mean it is ten dirham.
:![]() אם תכה הקטן בעצמו והאמצעי בעצמו יהיו כמו הגדול בעצמו ואם תכה הקטון בגדול יהיה כמו האמצעי בעצמו ואם תכה הקטן באמצעי יהיה עשרה דרהמי |
Cubic Equation
![\scriptstyle ax^3=\sqrt[3]{c}](/mediawiki/images/math/a/6/4/a64e6eaeaf2d5f64610f741998d43d86.png)
Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
equation/cubic equation | ax³=³√c | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#eOI5 | It is when cubes are equal to a cube root of the numbers:
:![]() |
Biquadratic Equation

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
quartic equation/biquadratic equation | 4(x²+8)=x⁴ | אגרת_המספר#q2Fw | 6) ![]() |
quartic equation/biquadratic equation | 4(x²+8)=x⁴ | תחבולות_המספר#G1Mq | [6] He said: the six problem is as if you are told: we add to a certain square [eight] dirham, then multiply the sum by four dirham and the result is the same as the product of the square [by itself].
:![]() |
quartic equation/biquadratic equation | 4(x²+8)=x⁴ | חשבון_השטחים#ZxMx | ![]() |

Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
quartic equation/biquadratic equation | c=ax⁴+√(bx⁴) | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#h9il | When numbers are equal to squares of squares and a root of squares of squares:
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
quartic equation/biquadratic equation | ax⁴+bx²=c | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#Tu7N | When squares of squares plus squares are equal to a number:
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
quartic equation/biquadratic equation | bx²=ax⁴+c | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#tkSO | When squares are equal to squares of squares and a root of a number:
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Category | Comment | Link | Annotated text |
quartic equation/biquadratic equation | ax⁴=bx²+c | ספר_ג'יבלי_אלמוקבאלא#CLbn | When squares of squares are equal to a number and squares:
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