== Community DSLs === ElasticsearchDSL https://github.com/ongr-io/ElasticsearchDSL[Link: ElasticsearchDSL] [quote, ElasticsearchDSL] __________________________ Introducing Elasticsearch DSL library to provide objective query builder for Elasticsearch bundle and elasticsearch-php client. You can easily build any Elasticsearch query and transform it to an array. __________________________ === elasticsearcher https://github.com/madewithlove/elasticsearcher[Link: elasticsearcher] [quote, elasticsearcher] __________________________ This agnostic package is a lightweight wrapper on top of the Elasticsearch PHP client. Its main goal is to allow for easier structuring of queries and indices in your application. It does not want to hide or replace functionality of the Elasticsearch PHP client. __________________________ == Community Integrations === Symfony ==== ONGR Elasticsearch Bundle https://github.com/ongr-io/ElasticsearchBundle[Link: ONGR Elasticsearch Bundle] [quote, ONGR Elasticsearch Bundle] __________________________ Elasticsearch Bundle was created in order to serve the need for professional elasticsearch integration with enterprise level Symfony 2 systems. This bundle is: - Supported by ONGR.io development team. - Uses the official elasticsearch-php client. - Ensures full integration with Symfony 2 framework. Technical goodies: - Provides nestable and DSL query builder to be executed by type repository services. - Uses Doctrine-like document / entities document-object mapping using annotations. - Query results iterators are provided for your convenience. - Registers console commands for index and types management and data import / export. - Designed in an extensible way for all your custom needs. __________________________ ==== FOS Elastica Bundle https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSElasticaBundle[Link: FOS Elastica Bundle] [quote, FOS Elastica Bundle] __________________________ This bundle provides integration with https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica[Link: Elastica] for Symfony. Features include: - Integrates the Elastica library into a Symfony environment - Automatically generate mappings using a serializer - Listeners for Doctrine events for automatic indexing __________________________ === Drupal ==== Elasticsearch Connector https://www.drupal.org/project/elasticsearch_connector[Link: Elasticsearch Connector] [quote, Elasticsearch Connector] __________________________ Elasticsearch Connector is a set of modules designed to build a full Elasticsearch eco system in Drupal. __________________________ === Laravel ==== shift31/Laravel-Elasticsearch https://github.com/shift31/laravel-elasticsearch[Link: shift31/Laravel-Elasticsearch] [quote, Laravel-Elasticsearch] __________________________ This is a Laravel (4+) Service Provider for the official Elasticsearch low-level client. __________________________ ==== cviebrock/Laravel-Elasticsearch https://github.com/cviebrock/laravel-elasticsearch[Link: cviebrock/Laravel-Elasticsearch] [quote, Laravel-Elasticsearch] __________________________ An easy way to use the official Elastic Search client in your Laravel applications. __________________________ ==== Plastic https://github.com/sleimanx2/plastic[Link: Plastic] [quote, Plastic] __________________________ Plastic is an Elasticsearch ODM and mapper for Laravel. It renders the developer experience more enjoyable while using Elasticsearch, by providing a fluent syntax for mapping, querying, and storing eloquent models. __________________________ === Helper ==== Index Helper https://github.com/Nexucis/es-php-index-helper[Link: nexucis/es-php-index-helper] [quote, Index Helper] _____________________ This helper is a light library which wrap the official client elasticsearch-php. It will help you to manage your ES Indices with no downtime. This helper implements the philosophy described in the https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/master/index-aliases.html[official documentation] which can be summarized in a few words : *use alias instead of index directly* _____________________