# Feed endpoints powered by the MCS tags: - name: Feed description: aggregated daily featured content paths: /featured/{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd}: get: tags: - Feed summary: Aggregated featured content description: | Provides the aggregated feed content for the given date. The endpoint returns the featured article of the day, most read articles for the previous day, news content and the featured image and video of the day. Stability: [unstable](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API_versioning#Unstable) produces: - application/json parameters: - name: yyyy in: path description: 'Year the aggregated content is requested for' type: string required: true - name: mm in: path description: 'Month the aggregated content is requested for, 0-padded' type: string required: true - name: dd in: path description: 'Day of the month the aggregated content is requested for, 0-padded' type: string required: true responses: '200': description: JSON containing all of the featured content schema: $ref: '#/definitions/feed' default: description: Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/problem' operationId: aggregatedFeed x-monitor: true x-amples: - title: Retrieve aggregated feed content for April 29, 2016 request: params: domain: en.wikipedia.org yyyy: '2016' mm: '04' dd: '29' response: status: 200 headers: content-type: /application\/json/ body: tfa: title: /.+/ description: /.+/ extract: /.+/ thumbnail: source: /.+/ width: /.+/ height: /.+/ mostread: date: /.+/ articles: - views: /.+/ rank: /.+/ title: /.+/ pageid: /.+/ normalizedtitle: /.+/ image: title: /.+/ description: text: /.+/ lang: /.+/ image: source: /.+/ width: /.+/ height: /.+/ thumbnail: source: /.+/ width: /.+/ height: /.+/ definitions: mostread_article: type: object properties: title: type: string description: Article title in a form of DB key normalizedtitle: type: string description: Article title as it should be presented to the user views: type: integer description: Number of views on the requested day rank: type: integer description: Position in the list of most viewed articles thumbnail: description: Lead image for the article $ref: '#/definitions/thumbnail' description: type: string description: Wikidata description of the article extract: type: string description: First several sentences of an article in plain text required: - title - normalizedtitle - views - rank - pageid mostread: type: object properties: date: type: string description: The date which the data correspond to articles: type: array description: Array of most popular articles items: $ref: '#/definitions/mostread_article' required: - date - articles news_item: type: object properties: story: type: string description: A cover story for the news item links: type: array description: A collection of articles related to the news item items: $ref: '#/definitions/summary' required: - story - links news: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/news_item' image_description: properties: text: type: string description: Text of the description lang: type: string description: Language code of the description required: - text - lang image: type: object properties: title: type: string description: Image title thumbnail: description: Image thumbnail $ref: '#/definitions/thumbnail' image: description: Full-size image $ref: '#/definitions/thumbnail' description: descrtiption: Description of an image $ref: '#/definitions/image_description' required: - title - thumbnail - image onthisday: type: array items: type: object properties: text: type: string description: Short description of the event pages: type: array description: List of pages related to the event items: $ref: '#/definitions/summary' feed: type: object description: Aggregated feed content for a given date properties: tfa: description: Data about the featured article of the day $ref: '#/definitions/summary' mostread: description: Data about most viewed articles $ref: '#/definitions/mostread' news: description: Data about in the news section $ref: '#/definitions/news' image: description: Featured image for a given date $ref: '#/definitions/image' onthisday: description: List of featured events that happend on this day $ref: '#/definitions/onthisday' additionalProperties: false