@clean @api @redirect @update Feature: Updating a page from or to a redirect @expect_failure Scenario: Turning a page into a redirect removes it from the search index Given a page named RedirectTarget exists When a page named ToBeRedirect%{epoch} exists Then within 20 seconds api searching for ToBeRedirect%{epoch} yields ToBeRedirect%{epoch} as the first result When a page named ToBeRedirect%{epoch} exists with contents #REDIRECT [[RedirectTarget]] Then within 20 seconds api searching for ToBeRedirect%{epoch} yields RedirectTarget as the first result And ToBeRedirect%{epoch} is not in the api search results Scenario: Turning a page from a redirect to a regular page puts it in the index Given a page named RedirectTarget exists When a page named StartsAsRedirect%{epoch} exists with contents #REDIRECT [[RedirectTarget]] Then within 20 seconds api searching for StartsAsRedirect%{epoch} yields RedirectTarget as the first result When a page named StartsAsRedirect%{epoch} exists Then within 40 seconds api searching for StartsAsRedirect%{epoch} yields StartsAsRedirect%{epoch} as the first result And RedirectTarget is not in the api search results