Given(/^a page named (.*) exists(?: with contents (.*))?$/) do |title, text| text = title unless text edit_page(title, text, false) end Given(/^a page on (\w+) named (.*) exists(?: with contents (.*))?$/) do |wiki, title, text| text = title unless text on_wiki(wiki) do edit_page(title, text, false) end end Given(/^a file named (.*) exists(?: on (commons))? with contents (.*) and description (.*)$/) do |title, wiki, contents, description| on_wiki(wiki) do upload_file(title, contents, description) # Make sure the file is correct edit_page(title, description, false) # Make sure the description is correct end end Given(/^there are (\d+) pages named (.*) with contents (.*)?$/) do |count, title, text| count = count.to_i (1..count).each do |i| new_title = title % i text = new_title unless text edit_page(new_title, text, false) end end Given(/^there are (\d+) redirects to (.+) of the form (.+)$/) do |count, target, form| count = count.to_i text = "#REDIRECT [[#{target}]]" (1..count).each do |i| new_title = form % i edit_page(new_title, text, false) end end Given(/^a page named (.*) doesn't exist$/) do |title| step("I delete #{title}") end When(/^I delete (?:on (commons))?(?!the second)(.+)$/) do |wiki, title| begin on_wiki(wiki) { api.delete_page(title, "Testing") } rescue MediawikiApi::ApiError => e # If we get an error it better be that the page doesn't exist, which would be ok. expect( include "doesn't exist" end end When(/^I am at a random (.+) page$/) do |namespace| visit(ArticlePage, using_params: { page_name: "Special:Random/#{namespace}" }) end When(/^I edit (.+) to add (.+)$/) do |title, text| edit_page(title, text, true) end When(/^I delete the second most recent revision of (.*)$/) do |title| visit(ArticleHistoryPage, using_params: { page_name: title }) do |page| page.check_second_most_recent_checkbox page.change_visibility_of_selected end on(ArticleRevisionDeletePage) do |page| page.check_revisions_text page.change_visibility_of_selected end end When(/^I delete the second most recent revision via api of (.*)$/) do |title| # find the revision id result = api.prop( :revisions, titles: title, rvlimit: 2 ) second_rev_id = result["query"].values[0].values[0]["revisions"][1]["revid"] # delete its text api.action( :revisiondelete, type: "revision", ids: [second_rev_id], hide: "content" ) end When(/^I go to (.*)$/) do |title| visit(ArticlePage, using_params: { page_name: title }) end When(/^I move (.*) to (.*) and (do not )?leave a redirect$/) do |from, to, no_redirect| visit(MovePage, using_params: { page_name: from }) do |page| page.first_heading.should_not eq "No such target page" page.new_title = to if no_redirect page.uncheck_leave_redirect else page.check_leave_redirect end page.move end end When(/^I move (.*) to (.*) and (do not )?leave a redirect via api$/) do |from, to, no_redirect| api.action( :move, from: from, to: to, noredirect: no_redirect ? 1 : 0 ) end Then(/^there is a software version row for (.+)$/) do |name| on(SpecialVersion).software_table_row(name).exists? end Then(/^I am on a page titled (.*)$/) do |title| on(ArticlePage).title.should == title end Then(/^I am on a page in the (.*) namespace$/) do |namespace| if namespace == "main" on(ArticlePage).title.index(":").should.nil? else on(ArticlePage).title.index("#{namespace}:").should_not.nil? end end