@clean @filters @intitle @api Feature: Searches with the intitle filter Scenario: intitle: can be combined with other text When I api search for intitle:catapult amazing Then Amazing Catapult is the first api search result And Two Words is not in the api search results @wildcards Scenario: intitle: can take a wildcard When I api search for intitle:catapul* Then Catapult is in the api search results @wildcards @setup_main Scenario: intitle: can take a wildcard and combine it with a regular wildcard When I api search for intitle:catapul* amaz* Then Amazing Catapult is the first api search result Scenario: intitle: will accept a space after its : with quoted titles When I api search for intitle: "amazing catapult" Then Amazing Catapult is the first api search result And Two Words is not in the api search results Scenario: intitle: with quoted titles performs an exact phrase search When I api search for intitle:"links to catapult" Then Links To Catapult is the first api search result Scenario: intitle: with quoted titles performs an exact phrase search When I api search for intitle:"links catapult" Then Links To Catapult is not in the api search results Scenario: intitle: with quoted titles performs an exact phrase search even with escaped quotes When I api search for intitle:"\"links to catapult\"" Then Links To Catapult is the first api search result Scenario: intitle: with quoted titles performs an exact phrase search even with escaped quote When I api search for intitle:"\"links catapult\"" Then Links To Catapult is not in the api search results Scenario: intitle: only includes pages with the title When I api search for intitle:catapult Then Catapult is in the api search results And Amazing Catapult is in the api search results But Two Words is not in the api search results Scenario: -intitle: excludes pages with part of the title When I api search for -intitle:amazing intitle:catapult Then Catapult is the first api search result And Amazing Catapult is not in the api search results Scenario: -intitle: doesn't highlight excluded title When I api search for -intitle:catapult two words Then Two Words is the first api search result And ffnonesenseword catapult pickles anotherword is the highlighted snippet of the first api search result Scenario: intitle: will accept a space after its : When I api search for intitle: catapult Then Catapult is in the api search results And Amazing Catapult is in the api search results But Two Words is not in the api search results Scenario Outline: intitle: will accept multiple spaces between clauses When I api search for intitle:catapultintitle:catapult Then Catapult is in the api search results And Amazing Catapult is in the api search results But Two Words is not in the api search results Examples: | spaces | |%{\u0020}%%{\u0020}%| |%{\u0020}%%{\u0009}%| |%{\u3000}%%{\u3000}%|