@clean @go @api Feature: Go Search Scenario: I can "go" to a page with mixed capital and lower case name by the name all lower cased When I get api near matches for mixedcapsandlowercase Then MixedCapsAndLowerCase is the first api search result Scenario: I can "go" to a page with mixed capital and lower case name by the name with totally wrong case cased When I get api near matches for miXEdcapsandlowercASe Then MixedCapsAndLowerCase is the first api search result Scenario: I can "go" to a page with an accented character without the accent When I get api near matches for africa Then África is the first api search result @accented_namespace Scenario: I can "go" to a page in a namespace with an accented character without the accent When I get api near matches for mo:test Then Mó:Test is the first api search result @accented_namespace Scenario: When I "go" to a page with the namespace specified twice I end up on the search results page When I get api near matches for file:mo:test Then there are no api search results @from_core Scenario: I can "go" to a page with mixed capital and lower case name by the name all lower cased and quoted When I get api near matches for "mixedcapsandlowercase" Then MixedCapsAndLowerCase is the first api search result @options Scenario Outline: When I near match just one page I go to that page When I get api near matches for Nearmatchflattentest Then Nearmatchflattentest is the first api search result Examples: | term | title | | soñ onlyaccent | Soñ Onlyaccent | | son onlyaccent | Soñ Onlyaccent | | Søn Redirecttoomany | Søn Redirecttoomany | | Són Redirecttoomany | Són Redirecttoomany | @options Scenario Outline: When I near match more than one page but one is exact (case, modulo case, or converted to title case) I go to that page When I get api near matches for <term> Nearmatchflattentest Then <title> Nearmatchflattentest is the first api search result Examples: | term | title | | son | son | | Son | Son | | SON | SON | | soñ | soñ | | Son Nolower | Son Nolower | | son Nolower | Son Nolower | | SON Nolower | SON Nolower | | soñ Nolower | Soñ Nolower | | son Titlecase | Son Titlecase | | Son Titlecase | Son Titlecase | | soñ Titlecase | Soñ Titlecase | | SON Titlecase | Son Titlecase | | soñ twoaccents | Soñ Twoaccents | | són twoaccents | Són Twoaccents | | bach | Bach | | koan | Koan | | son redirect | Son Redirect | | Son Redirectnotbetter | Són Redirectnotbetter | | Søn Redirectnoncompete | Søn Redirectnoncompete | | Soñ Redirectnoncompete | Soñ Redirectnoncompete | @options Scenario Outline: When I near match more than one page but none of them are exact then I go to the search results page When I get api near matches for <term> Nearmatchflattentest Then there are no api search results Examples: | term | | son twoaccents | | Son Double | | Son Redirecttoomany | @redirect Scenario: When I near match a redirect and a page then the redirect is chosen if it is a better match When I get api near matches for SEO Redirecttest Then SEO Redirecttest is the first api search result