@clean @api @suggestions Feature: Did you mean Scenario: Uncommon phrases spelled correctly don't get suggestions even if one of the words is very uncommon When I api search for nobel prize Then there is no api suggestion Scenario: No suggestions on pages that are not the first When I api search with offset 20 for popular cultur Then there is no api suggestion @stemming Scenario: Suggestions do not show up when a full title matches but with stemming When I api search for stemmingsingleword Then there is no api suggestion @stemming Scenario: Suggestions do not show up when a full multi word title matches but with stemming When I api search for stemming multiword Then there is no api suggestion @stemming Scenario: Suggestions do not show up when a full multi word title matches but with apostrophe normalization When I api search for stemming possessive's Then there is no api suggestion Scenario: Suggestions don't come from redirect titles when it matches an actual title When I api search for Noble Gasses Then there is no api suggestion Scenario: Common phrases spelled incorrectly get suggestions When I api search for popular cultur Then popular *culture* is suggested by api Scenario Outline: Uncommon phrases spelled incorrectly get suggestions even if the typos is in the first 2 characters When I api search for Then is suggested by api Examples: | term | suggested | | nabel prize | *nobel* prize | | onbel prize | *nobel* prize | Scenario: Uncommon phrases spelled incorrectly get suggestions even if they contain words that are spelled correctly on their own When I api search for noble prize Then *nobel* prize is suggested by api Scenario: Suggestions can come from redirect titles when redirects are included in search When I api search for Rrr Worrd Then rrr *word* is suggested by api Scenario Outline: Special search syntax is preserved in suggestions (though sometimes moved around) When I api search for Then is suggested by api Examples: | term | suggested | | prefer-recent:noble prize | prefer-recent:*nobel* prize | | Template:nobel piep | Template:*noble pipe* | | prefer-recent:noble prize | prefer-recent:*nobel* prize | | incategory:prize noble prize | incategory:prize *nobel* prize | | noble incategory:prize prize | incategory:prize *nobel* prize | | hastemplate:prize noble prize | hastemplate:prize *nobel* prize | | -hastemplate:prize noble prize | -hastemplate:prize *nobel* prize | | boost-templates:"prize\|150%" noble prize | boost-templates:"prize\|150%" *nobel* prize | | noble prize prefix:n | *nobel* prize prefix:n | Scenario: Customize prefix length of did you mean suggestions When I set did you mean suggester option cirrusSuggPrefixLength to 5 And I api search for noble prize Then there is no api suggestion Scenario: Did you mean option suggests When I api search for grammo awards Then there is no api suggestion Scenario: Customize max term freq did you mean suggestions When I set did you mean suggester option cirrusSuggMaxTermFreq to 0.4 And I set did you mean suggester option cirrusSuggConfidence to 1 And I api search for grammo Then *grammy* is suggested by api Scenario: Customize prefix length of did you mean suggestions below the hard limit When I reset did you mean suggester options And I set did you mean suggester option cirrusSuggPrefixLength to 1 And I api search for nabol prize Then there is no api suggestion Scenario: Disable the reverse field When I reset did you mean suggester options And I set did you mean suggester option cirrusSuggUseReverse to no And I api search for nabel prize Then there is no api suggestion @expect_failure Scenario: Search for awards suggest1 suggest4 returns a suggestion When I api search for awards suggest1 suggest4 Then awards *suggest2 suggest3* is suggested by api Scenario: When I use the collate option: awards suggest1 suggest4 returns no suggestion When I set did you mean suggester option cirrusSuggCollate to yes And I api search for awards suggest1 suggest4 Then there is no api suggestion