@clean @phantomjs @bad_syntax Feature: Searches that prompt, or not, for new page creation Background: Given I am at a random page @incategory @wildcard Scenario Outline: Something something When I search for Then there is to create a new page from the search result Examples: | query | condition | | "ffnonsesnseword catapult"~anotherword | no link | | catapult~~~~....[[\|\|.\|\|\|\|\|\|+\|+\|=\\\\=\\*.$.$.$. | no link | | \|\| catapult | no link | | *ickle | a link | | incategory:weaponry | no link | | catapu\\?t | no link | | catapul\\? | no link | | morelike:ThisPageDoesNotExist | no link | | morelike:ChangeMe | no link | @boolean_operators Scenario Outline: boolean operators in bad positions in the query are ignored so you get the option to create a new page When I search for Then there is no warning And Catapult is in the first search result And there is a link to create a new page from the search result Examples: | query | | catapult + | | catapult - | | catapult ! | # Bug 60362 #| catapult AND | #| catapult OR | #| catapult NOT | | + catapult | | - catapult | | ! catapult | # Bug 60362 #| AND catapult | #| OR catapult | | catapult + amazing | | catapult - amazing | | catapult ! amazing | | amazing+catapult | | amazing-catapult | | amazing!catapult | | catapult!!!!!!! | | catapult !!!!!!!! | | !!!! catapult | | ------- catapult | | ++++ catapult ++++ | | ++amazing++++catapult | | catapult ~/ | | catapult ~/ | | amazing~◆~catapult | | ******* catapult | @boolean_operators Scenario Outline: boolean operators in bad positions in the query are ignored but if there are other valid operators then you don't get the option to create a new page When I search for Then there is no warning And Catapult is in the first search result And there is no link to create a new page from the search result Examples: | query | | catapult AND + amazing | | catapult AND - amazing | | catapult AND ! amazing | | catapult \|\|--- | | catapult~~~~....[[\|\|.\|\|\|\|\|\|+\|+\|=\\\\=\\*.$.$.$. | | T:8~=~¥9:77:7:57;7;76;6346- OR catapult | | catapult OR T:8~=~¥9:77:7:57;7;76;6346- | | --- AND catapult | | *catapult* | | ***catapult* | | ****** catapult* | @boolean_operators Scenario Outline: boolean operators in bad positions in the query are ignored and if the title isn't a valid article title then you don't get the option to create a new page When I search for Then there is no warning And Catapult is in the first search result And there is no link to create a new page from the search result Examples: | query | | :~!$$=!~\!{<} catapult | | catapult -_~^_~^_^^ | | catapult \|\| | | catapult ~~~~~~ | | catapult \|\|--- | | \|\| catapult | @wildcard Scenario Outline: Wildcards can't start a term but they aren't valid titles so you still don't get the link to create an article When I search for ickle Then there is no warning And there are no search results And there is a link to create a new page from the search result Examples: | wildcard | | * | | ? |